DIY Pineapple Mojito Mason Jar Cocktail

The mojito is perhaps the most refreshing, and delicious summer cocktail. Don’t you agree?

Kick things up a couple notches and mix yourself a boozy pineapple mojito cocktail to be enjoyed on a hot sunny, summer afternoon. This recipe is designed to be crafted in a large mason jar, and can yield 2-4 cocktails, depending on how tall you pour it. Gather your ingredients, hit play on that vid, and get ready to kick-back.

This cocktail recipe is curated by our friends at Crafty Cocktails. We love Crafty Cocktails because they’re local to Calgary, and it’s just plain amazing to have bartender driven cocktails delivered to your doorstep! It’s a subscription box so you get to enjoy a whole new set of cocktails at the duration of your choosing. Their June box is “Tiki Gin” and I like the sounds of that. Check them out, you won’t be disappointed.

Pineapple Mojito Mason Jar Cocktail

Makes 2-4 cocktails


  • 8 juicy chunks of fresh pineapple

  • 1 small handful fresh mint leaves

  • 2 tbsp of raw sugar (if desired)

  • white rum of choice (Crafty Cocktails recommends Havana Club 3 year)

  • 1 bottle WTK Pineapple Mojito

  • 1 large mason jar (your impromptu cocktail shaker), and 2 smaller mason jars (your glasses)

Cut two limes in half and place them into your mason jar. Muddle the juice out of them (not too hard, you dont want to release the bitter oils in the lime rinds). Cut two more limes in half and squeeze the juice directly into the mason jar.

Place 8 juicy chunks of fresh pineapple and the raw sugar into your large mason jar. Muddle until a paste/syrup is formed and your sugar is mostly diluted (if using sugar).

Bruise the mint leaves in your hands by giving them a slap and then gently rolling them around in your hands (careful not to tear the leaves or you will release a bitter profile). Put the leaves into the mason jar.

Time for the most important part…Rum! Add 6 oz into the mason jar medley.

Time to add ice. Store bought ice works best for dilution. Let’s add two big handfuls of ice into the jar. Seal your mason jar with its lid and shake shake shake it off for 30-40 seconds. This not only mixes your ingredients and oxidizes your cocktail but the dilution from the ice adds water volume which is critical to the recipe.

Add some ice to your small mason jar glasses.

Now let’s grab the smaller mason jar lid and flip it upside down and place it in the mouth of your large mason jar. We will use it to strain out the cocktail into your small mason jar glasses.

Grab your bottle of Pineapple Mojito WTK and top your glass as desired.

Stir those bad boys quickly to mix in the kombucha.

Slap a single mint leave or a sprig tip and dust it across the top of your glass to add some minty fresh aromatic effect and then place it on the ice as garnish. Enjoy!